Red Rose Resources provides consultancy services on renewable energy developments across the globe, using its technical and financial expertise to advise operators, governments and prospective investors.

We have in-house expertise in geothermal exploration, geothermal utilisation, policy analysis, project due-diligence, natural resource financing, and drilling services. Our team are also extremely familiar with the architecture of international development funding, such as the African Union’s Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF). We offer clients our expertise in understanding deep geothermal resources, the ability and steps needed to take possible projects to commercial realisation, and the tools available from region to region and from country to country to assist the sector’s development.

Hotspur Geothermal has relationships across the geothermal industry globally through academic institutions, drilling contractors, vendors, financial institutions, and government bodies. Through our partners we have a significant global reach and we are currently involved with projects around the world.